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FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 12, 2020 | 0

John Holmes is the stuff legends are made of in that he is the foundational big dick of porn. He’s been the subject of countless books, documentaries, tributes and of course, was the inspiration behind (Mr Marky Mark himself) Mark Wahlberg’s character in Boogie Nights. Born in the 1940s in a small Ohio town, he knew from an early age that he was special. When he’d jerk off, he’d get all dizzy because that massive dick of his drained way too much blood from his head. With enough practice, though, he was able to control his dick growth and keep his balance, and soon became an absolute master of cock manipulation. He joined the army and he was stationed in Germany for a few years where he no doubt gave a whole bunch of continental slut-bags a night to remember. After his discharge, he went to Los Angeles to discharge his wads on American soil with good ol’ American gals. It wasn’t long before John took to porn, and soon, became the massive smash-hit star. According to Pornhub, he starred in Deep Throat, Behind The Green Door and The Devil In Miss Jones, when he didn’t actually appear in any of these films at all. So, what makes John such a big name? You probably already know the answer unless you just got out of seminary school where you’ve been for the last several decades. John’s sporting a massive foot-long fuck-rod which chicks go absolutely gaga for. He also unleashes a fury of jizz bombs every time and every scene he shoots has that special Holmes climax.

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 9, 2020 | 0

That is the heart and tragedy of Wadd: his demons could easily be anyone's but he was given the unique opportunity to have them unleashed and nurtured in fantastic fashion. Despite the fact that he succumbed to them and became someone else, the people who loved him remained themselves, and were left to deal with the aftermath. The film's end, juxtaposing interviews in which the same people describe him as both a drug-fueled maniac and as someone for whom they felt genuine love, is jarring and heart wrenching. Even if there is no sympathy to be felt for him, the pain his loss caused his family and friends is real and startling. According to IMDb, one of the directors of Wadd chose not to be credited, instead opting to have his/ her name listed as Alan Smithee, the pseudonym used by anyone in the film industry who is so displeased with his or her work that they do not wish to be associated with it. That's a shame because Wadd is an incredible feat of biographical film making. Opting not to use voice-over narrations or anything that creates the illusion of an overarcing narrative, Wadd is entirely composed of interviews with his friends, family, enemies and acquaintances, all of whom are permitted to tell their side of the story in their own words. The result is a film with no agenda other than to give the viewer as unbiased a presentation of his life as possible -- and the result is utterly fascinating.

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 9, 2020 | 0

Starting in the middle with his heyday as the undisputed King of Porn, Wadd seamlessly moves through the various chapters of his life, from his childhood as an all-American boy to his salad years as a forklift driver. The segments on his early life come across as equally shocking to those depicting his involvement in the Wonderland Murders and the revelation that he knowingly exposed other adult film starts to HIV. The reason, perhaps, is that there is little indication that the Holmes of 1975 would do the things that the Holmes of 1983 did. Before he was Johnny Wadd, he was a bashful guy driving a forklift who had to have his mother sign a form permitting him to get married, since his all-American, Cat's-eye-glasses-wearing wife was a few years older than him and he was a minor. His progression to a drug-fueled, soulless monster is well documented and believable; interviews chronicling his abusive childhood demonstrate that the capacity for evil was always festering in him, not in the form of malicious intent but in the form of weakness. For all of his on screen prowess, Wadd shows him as someone who was ultimately impotent. What began as a quest to quash an inferiority complex became an addiction; he got so much gratification from the porn biz that him as an individual ceased to exist. The beast whose painful, AIDS-related demise is recalled in the film's closing moments is not an evolution of the scrawny, crew-cut guy; it's what he left behind.

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 9, 2020 | 0

Wadd aims to fill in the gaps in what turns out to be the rather fascinating life story of John Curtis Holmes, the Ohio farm boy who grew up to be literally and figuratively larger than life -- while not really having a life of his own. The topic was first touched upon in 1981's Exhausted, a video biography of Holmes produced by one of his admirers. That movie, parodied as the "love letter" that Julianne Moore's character makes in Boogie Nights was produced during his lifetime, shortly prior to becoming one of America's most wanted fugitives and affords viewers the unique opportunity of hearing him tell his own story in his own words. Unfortunately, he (as Wadd demonstrates) was a tremendous liar, even when it would be more beneficial to tell the truth. As such, Exhausted only functions as a novelty piece or for the psychoanalytically inclined, as a porthole into his ever blackening soul. For the real story, one must go to Wadd; and it's one hell of a story.

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 9, 2020 | 0

He is one of those unique figures that pretty much everyone has heard about but no one really knows about. The adult film star with a thirteen inch penis, his name is synonymous with the American pornography industry, with the subculture that surrounded it in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and for true crime buffs, with the gristly Woderland/ Four on the Floor Murders. However, one would be hard pressed to find many people who have actually seen one of his films, except for clips featured in documentaries and gag internet downloads that do nothing more than display his erect member like an exhibit in a modern-day sideshow. Likewise, even if one can track down individuals who actually viewed any of his films in the theater when he was still the king of porn, those individuals would probably not be able to tell you much about him beyond a description of what was between his legs.

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 9, 2020 | 0

If you liked Boogie Nights then you'll want to check out this film about the real "Dirk Diggiler". As documentaries go, it's very entertaining if not a bit too long. The clips of his movies aren't too graphic because they’re more comical than erotic (more specifically pornographic). He wasn't really a good person but in many different ways, he brought joy to a lot of people. The most shocking image in the film is the footage of the crime scene, of which he is taken to trial over. He is found innocent of murder but he was definitely guilty of being a jerk.

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 9, 2020 | 0

Whatever the real total of his female sex partners was, it's got to be a bare minimum of at least 3000. Considering how many films he made and all the action before he was an impotent addict of an X- rated icon, it was an enormous number of women. His claim of 14,000 is somewhat realistic, only if he never got into drugs and did nothing but have sex round the clock. The boy born John Curtis Estes was the youngest of four children, grew up in rural Ohio and had by most accounts an unhappy childhood. His namesake (if in surname only) stepfather was a drunk and John as an adult blamed a large portion of his family's hardships on him. Stepfather number two was a manic depressive who took most of his frustrations out on the now second youngest in the house (John's half brother David was born several years later) and his physical abuse eventually reached the point where sixteen year old John decided to enlist in the Army. However much of the legends about the first half of his life are concerned, by his early twenties, he'd left the military, moved out to California and met and married straitlaced Sharon. It's more than fair to assume this lady, who was a nurse by profession and a virgin when they wed, brought him the only real stability he'd ever had. She describes a private, insecure man who had a very low self esteem, before that term was a pop psychology cliché.

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 9, 2020 | 0

The 8mm loop porn industry in those mid/ late ‘60s era was a fly by night operation, with con artists expecting to pay one with a bum cheque. His first experience with this kind of hustler taught young John to demand payment in cash from then on. He gradually became better known and earned more and more in fees. His endowment is always the matter of speculation but it's safe to declare he was at least twice the length of the average North American male. Director Bob Chinn wrote the story for Johnny Wadd after meeting him and seeing his "credentials" in the flesh. The soon to be series gave him his most famous role ever and the nickname that summed up his anatomy in a rather crude marketing tool. Exhibitors saw the popularity of this new hardcore porn emphasis on a star system and wanted more Wadd.

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 9, 2020 | 0

The descent into cocaine and all that followed are a matter of disturbing fact now. His posthumously published autobiography Porn King is equal parts truth and fantasy. The recent John Holmes: A Life Measured In Inches by Jennifer Sugar and Jill Nelson is a much more grounded in reality explanation of his life from all those who knew him best. What would have happened if John hadn't gotten messed up on freebase? That's the unanswerable question. Instead, his life degenerated into full time crime and ever sleazier and dangerous characters as he struggled to maintain his out of control habit. And with the early days of AIDS rearing its lethal head, he became the second most notorious figure (after the outed Rock Hudson) to die from AIDS related illness.

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 9, 2020 | 0

Somebody knew that he was a cokefiend and involved in a mob hit but they didn't really know that he was vicious wife beater and a chronic liar/ schizo that fed the cops info on porn producers in the early ‘70s. Wadd isn't that pornographic (no penetration scenes), it's more of a tragic story of a not too bright guy with the world's biggest "tool". Lots of people from the adult industry are interviewed (Al Goldstein, Larry Flynt, Sharon Mitchell etc.) as you would expect but also cops, lawyers, journalists and guys like Paul "Boggie Nights" Anderson are included. It's almost impossible to make a Holmes documentary that isn't interesting but Wadd is a fascinating and important portrait of a legend that some called The Elvis Of Pornography!

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 7, 2020 | -1

John Holmes was just a little boy with a big dick who found a pot of gold at the end of his zipper. He was the ultimate cocksman with the ultimate weapon but he was not so threatening that all men couldn't love him. He was to the adult film industry what Elvis Presley was to rock and roll. He simply was the king. To think he walked among us with that massive tool (in reference to his dick). Like a dinosaur with that thump thump thump! But it was not his feet hitting the floor. It was his dick hitting the floor. It was his nads hitting the floor... what was so fascinating about him was the fact that he had this gigantic penis. He was just this tall, very scruffy and skinny looking guy with a big blonde afro and this huge schlong. And when it comes down to porn, no matter how you slice it... that's is what people seem get a kick out of. In porn movies today, you can have all the good-looking guys with the muscular, body-builder physiques. But guys in the audience just want to see this long, gigantic penis on some skinny guy going into the vagina of some cute little blond or brunette. It's ironic that here he is credited with single handedly bringing porn to people's attention, yet at the same time he was simultaneously having all these other stars busted. It's almost as if he was creating ground for himself to be the only living star.

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 6, 2020 | -1

After John Holmes' death, the length of his penis continued to be used to market John Holmes-related material. For example, at the premiere of the 2003 film Wonderland, patrons were given 13​1⁄2-inch rulers as gag gifts.

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 6, 2020 | -1

Another controversy was regarding whether John Holmes ever achieved a full erection, although much of his early work clearly revealed he was able to achieve a substantial erection. A popular joke in the 1970s porn industry held that he was incapable of achieving a full erection because the blood flow from his head into his penis would cause him to pass out. Fellow film actress Annette Haven stated that his penis was never particularly hard during intercourse, likening it to "doing it with a big, soft kind-of loofah".

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 6, 2020 | -1

So celebrated was the size of John Holmes' penis that it was used as a promotional tool for films in which he did not even appear. The film Anyone But My Husband ran a promotional tag line of, "Tony 'The Hook' Perez has a dick so big he gives John Holmes a run for his money." At the height of his career, he claimed to have had his penis insured by Lloyd's of London for $14 million. Holmes reveled in claiming he was insured "for $1 million an inch".

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 6, 2020 | -1

Veteran porn actress Dorothiea ’Seka’ Patton has said that John Holmes' penis was the biggest in the industry and in the documentary film Exhausted she described oral sex with him as similar to fellating a telephone pole. His first wife recalled his claiming to be 10 inches (25.4 cm) when he first measured himself. On another occasion, he claimed his penis was 16 inches (40.6 cm) long and 13 inches (33.0 cm) in circumference. His long-time friend and industry associate, Bill Amerson, said, "I saw John measure himself several times; it was 13 and a half inches [34.3 cm]." In contrast, medical studies of human penis size have consistently found erections average between about 5 and 6 inches, with fewer than 0.2% of penises 9.5 inches (24 cm) or more.

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 6, 2020 | -1

John Holmes’ signature asset in the porn business was his exceptionally large penis. No definitive measurement or documentation verifying his penis' length or girth exists, leaving its exact size unknown. He was uncircumcised.

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 6, 2020 | -1

As this film is about John Holmes, he was best known for his exceptionally large penis, which was heavily promoted as the longest, thickest, hardest and longest lasting in the adult film industry, with seminal volume second only to fellow adult actor Peter North's, although no documented measurement of his actual penis length, girth, tumescence, sexual stamina or ejaculate volume has ever been confirmed.

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 6, 2020 | -1

Edits, blank screens and fade outs were used to keep some dialogue in, but nudity and sex out in one version of the movie. The softcore theatrical version appears in the limited 2-disc DVD edition of Wonderland (2003). VCA Interactive released a hardcore version of the film separately in a special edition DVD in 2002.

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 6, 2020 | -1

In a 1999 interview with GettingIt webzine, when asked why there no shots of the fully erect penis of John Holmes in the theatrical documentary, director Wesley Emerson said, "I didn't think it was needed and I basically cut it with a cable version in mind--like for HBO or something." PMSL...

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 12, 2020 | -2

That scene of her with the gun comes from Girls On Fire, which came out in 1984.

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 6, 2020 | -3

It just looks so weird seeing her with that petite sized gun.

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 6, 2020 | -2

You can also hear the audio in this video as well... getting to hear her moaning...

FistFuckFamilyCBT Feb 6, 2020 | -1

You can heat the audio in this video... you only see that penis very briefly...

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