hello were can i download this movies...is a app or download program for this ?
hello were can i download this movies...is a app or download program for this ?
Hello, please can anyone help me? Is there any choice to search celebs by age? But not actual age, but age when they where in movies
Does anyone know about how many videos I can put in a playlist before it becomes damaged playlist?
please i need help how i can change my E-mail address thank you
good morning how i can delete some of my comments please thank you
This is a new problem I just noticed, never happened before. Whenever I try to edit any celeb it takes me to Homepage/ Main page of the site. But the same problem doesn't occur when we try to Edit a movie or Tv-SHow. Please admin check into this. Thanks Dandy
How do I get the video clips to play? ????
Anyone else see recent clips blocky and pixelated? I've noticed it with most recent clips that are originally HD. Is it my connection or does the site downgrade HD clips this awfully? example link: http://celebrities.jocundist.com/clip/Some-Kind-Of-Beautiful/Salma-Hayek/89888
There is a scene in the movie Whispering Moon/Das Flüstern des Mondes where Julia Schwartz has a fully nude shower scene. The movie is from 2006. I looked everywhere online and I can't find the shower scene online. If anyone has access to it and can upload it, I would really appreciate it.
I need help with movie I saw years ago (mostly on "rai tv" channel on hotbird satellite) between 1999 & 2002, I think it was an american movie, a man and a women fucking while taking a shower, later two guys tied the man (maybe not the one in the shower scene), one of them wrote some words around the woman naked belly, he ask her to spin around so the tied man can read the words, then they stap him while the woman start screaming, she ran away to some one looks like a boss setting on a couch, first she set afaid beside his leg, the two men enter the hall, the boss shout over them, after they leave the woman talking to him hardly, leave him (naked all the time wearing only a panty), another scene the woman seen as a tv presenter, wearing a dress, talking to the camera on tv, after that we see her playing chess with some guy, then the cast start rolling
I saw part of a movie awhile back, never saw the title or the actors/actresses names. I would guess it is from some time in the 90s or 2000s. It sort of had a lord of the flies vibe to it. There seemed to be a plot point where 2 teen guys had some sort of a relationship, one of them was for sure gay, and I think he was one of the 'leaders' of the group. The guy who he seemed to be involved with was taking a shower, and in the stall next to him a girl was taking a shower, and they were talking. The girl, thinking the guy was gay, joined him in his stall and asked him to wash her back. I guess he start to get 'excited', and she turns and looks down at his junk and teasingly says something like 'I thought you were gay, or was that just a ruse to woo me?' The guy and girl both had dark brown hair. Meanwhile, the 'leader' was watching the 2 of them on a monitor, and using a mouse, he clicked on the screen where their clothes were hanging, which made them disappear. Then he turns the power off, so the guy and girl run out of the shower to get their clothes, but they are gone. They find some sort of a florescent light/glow stick, and began wandering the building trying to figure out what is happening. There was another scene where the guy from the shower (I think), had his hands tied and was being marched nude down a beach, and was forced into a box in the ground, and I believe the group of teens had put some sort of bug/creature in the box before they closed it up. That is all I remember. I would really like to see the rest of this movie, so if anyone can help me with the title of this movie, I would be eternally grateful.
I just watched a movie that's not even covered on Mrskin, a Troma release (not production) called "Body Parts" from 1992. How would I add the movie and submit pictures and clips?
suggest me a good HQ video editor to upload videos
I have a question, I saw a movie in 2008 and it involved a guy who could view lady parts like the terminator and he suffered from sex addiction I think, in one scene the guy is in a restaurant and sees a lady going to the restroom, he follows her there and offers her money for a quickie, the closing scene is of the guy going to his girlfriend, who is a teacher, to apologize and she tells him to sit down in the classroom. Can anyone tell me the name of this movie?
Can anyone do some digging and find some more pics of her
I remember watching a movie a few years ago, probably from the late 90's, early 2000's, and I have no recollection of it's title. There was a group of people trapped in a house, who (i think) were slowing being killed by it's owners (i think). It was either science fiction, horror or both, and it was clearly done on a low budget/ very corny, and pretty bad. Anyways, there was a scene where a female owner is nude in a bath (hot tub? pool?) and she forces the group to get naked and go in there with her. I remember one of them was very hesitant to go in. Another sexual scene I remember was at the end where one of the men from the group has sex with the female owner (in a library maybe?). I hope that's enough information for someone to recognize what movie it is, thanks.
Link of this celebrity don't work or not exist yet http://celebrities.jocundist.com/celebrities/Rachel-Nichols This celebrity needs new creation or is possible to be updated? P.D.: Srry for my english
I would like a list of celebrities who have a really big bush. I'm talking really thick and hairy, a monster jungle bush down there. Very natural. No Merkins, Landing strips, Hitler moustaches, and absolutely no baldness.
How do I add or change the birthdate of an actress? I have seen several on this site that either do not have a birthdate or it is incorrect. Also, there are a few movies where the date of the movie is off, sometimes by decades.
Hi There,How About If We Add Gymnasts Like Mary Lou Retton & Carly Patterson To This Site For Great Measure?
I cannot play videos on my mobile, can you help?
http://celebrities.jocundist.com/celebrities/Julia-Jger is the same girl that http://celebrities.jocundist.com/celebrities/Julia-J
there's a softcore movie or tv series.Woman tries to statue from muD but she can't do it then she see an ad on paper.A muD sculpture finding assistant she goes,guy tell him he's not looking for assistant his looking a nude model... you know the rest :) could anybody tell me what's this movie's name?
i want to upload some rare naked footage of some indian actress.iam not find an upload optin anywhere.can u plz guide me how to upload a vdo
You used to have an item per actress called "Age at the time of filming" Where did that go? I can't find it no more.
Moderate TurtleTower's uploads, contains hundred of repeated pics!
How can I find actresses who were over 35 for their first nude role? I've noticed we can filter actessess on age,etc. You used to have an item per actress called: Age at the time of filming: 23 Can we filter on that, so that I end up with a list of actresses who were between age 35-50 when they made their nude debut?
Which movie stars went nude infront of children? I mean like the nude scenes in 800 bullets movie.
pls find Marina Salas nude scene in El Comisario and put it on site!
How to download videos in android mobile .is their any method or option to download from android mobiles whenever i tried to play vidoes it shows sorry there is problem in loading video so unable to download in mobile but when i try to play in desktop it plays very smoothly by anychance any way to download videos in mobilr android user
BROKEN PAGES : http://celebrities.jocundist.com/celebrities/Amber-Heard http://celebrities.jocundist.com/celebrities/Rachel-Nichols FIX THEM PLSSS :(
Would you please guide me how to download clips ? Please answer on my e-mail address : [email protected] . Thanks
Is there a size limit when uploading clips? I've only been able to upload failry small clips, but I've seen clips here that are up to 28 min, so the size shouldn't be an issue. Does anyone know what the problem could be?
http://celebrities.jocundist.com/celebrities-by-country/Korea,%20South http://celebrities.jocundist.com/celebrities-by-country/Korea,%20North
Does anyone else get an occasional glitch when uploading videos? I upload the vid, click "Select thumbnails" and it jumps back to the index.
May you please create a mobile site because on my phone I can't watch videos?
Hi, Good day, how do we download video or video clips? thanks
You are browsing the web-site, which contains photos and videos of nude celebrities. in case you don’t like or not tolerant to nude and famous women, please, feel free to close the web-site. All other people have a nice time watching!
Who are the celebrities and what does “nude” mean, you can find on Wikipedia.
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