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You are browsing the web-site, which contains photos and videos of nude celebrities. in case you don’t like or not tolerant to nude and famous women, please, feel free to close the web-site. All other people have a nice time watching!
Who are the celebrities and what does “nude” mean, you can find on Wikipedia.
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Hove i upload pics on this site? Send me you respuest on [email protected]
Hove/Howe i post pics on this site?
Did other members have problem with uploading videos? I have problem, every time I try to upload a video bigger than few mb my internet connection got crazy and upload failed, day after day. I dont know a reason for that...
None taken -KA-. Yup. It's a lot better now with uploading. In movie Kousek nebe I uploaded 2 clips and 5 pictures instead of shitload of pictures. Also can you recomended me some free program for n00bs with which I can easy ncut clips from movies to uplload them here?
Man, I'm sorry I reacted that way that day. I was tired and frustrated that some dudes kept spamming this board with porn , 45 of 50 recently added "celebs" were porn actresses, and other ridiculous stuff (one dude kept uploading pics even though all came up broken) and took it out on a wrong guy. I regretted my comment as soon as I had had submitted it (can't delete it). Again, I'm sorry. You are actually contributing to this board and I for one enjoy your posts. On the bright side, the video uploading seems be fixed.
I'm sory about that. But I dodn't have another option as I had huge problem uploading videos. Even videos smaller of 1.5 MB (and I tried several times, sometimes up to 20 times)!!! As I posted clips from your possition an opscure films as they aren't english, but instead from EX-Yugoslavia and Czech Republic, there is not many option to do. So I made snaps in ImageGrabber. You must give me credits to watch whole movie and take snapshots of best scenes. And they arent big, only cca 60kb per picture.
30-80 pics per clip? Dude, that's spamming or is it about them points for you? Just wait until the site is fixed and upload the clip then. Well... at least you're not spamming with porn.
I upload so many pictures because I cannot upload videos. I'm tired of uploading video, and when on 100% it was receted because some Error true Error message. Because that I post 20,30,50,80 pictures per movie. To show in "slide show" what is hapening in clip.
No it's not.. :/ Cannot upload anything too..
Is it normal to see Username already used! message when you try upload a profile picture???